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[JTeam] The Best Power Leveler
Source: Author: Vetinh0 Posted on: Jul 02 2009 20:51:56 Views:

What can I say? There are lots of players who power level to get rich. What you need for this?

The answer is pretty easy, archers are the best in this because the can hit like all monsters in his area and that help the low level player to gain a lot of experience.

Scatter is mainly archer skill because it has the highest range that could give you the possibility to kill the monsters which are not even in your screen.

Being an archer for 3 years or more, I power leveled lots of water taoist to level 110 for the promotion and after that the reborn. I wondered how can I power level faster and how can I have more attack to kill monsters easier?

Here is the answer:
Trojan is known as the faster class possible in Conquer, because of his cyclone XP-skill, your movement speed and attack speed are increased. And being an archer with cyclone could give you the change to use the scatter skill on his maximum power.

While you jumping faster, scatter kills all mobs near you, so the power level is getting faster and you can get the rewards faster!

Archer is known of having the weakest strength, so lots of monsters won't be by 1 hit like AlienSerpent, Basilicks, this is why you need a water tao to use stigma skill on you.

I found a way that you don't need to bring the stigma all time with you , being an archer with stigma will give you possibility to stigma yourself so your attack will be increased.

How can you do that?
There are like 2 methods because you have to add like 80 attributes points to spirit to cast the fixed stigma and that means your HP will get lower, this methods isn't so good.

The 2nd method is that you could buy a magical bottle or miraculous gourd and that should add you enough mana to stigma yourself.

Using the trojan powerful skill - cyclone and water powerful skill - stigma, you can do an archer being the best power leveler.

The problem is that you need to reborn twice starting as water taoist reborn in trojan, then second reborn in Archer. (Water-Trojan-Archer)

This is the best archer on power leveler! Thank you for reading! Good luck.

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