When there are no new skills left to learn, no regions left to conquer and no
monsters left to challenge, it is time to be reborn.
What is Rebirth? Rebirth is like
reincarnation. Your character is born again as whatever class you like.
However, memories of previous life linger, granting you additional powers,
skills and abilities from your old class.
Reborn characters are
much more powerful than newborns, with more Battle Power, higher abilities,
better skills and visual glamour.
When can I be reborn? Archers, Trojans,
Warriors, Fire Taoists, Ninjas, Monks and Pirates can have rebirth after they reach level
120. But Water Taoists, who are more spiritually enlightened than others, can
have 1st rebirth at level 110 - they have led a more fulfilling life, and are
ready to be reborn at a younger age.
Why be reborn? The best reason to be reborn is
obvious -to play the game again! But you'll also be able to try out a host of
interesting skills and abilities, available only to reborn characters. |
