The Unknown Man, in fact, is incredibly well-known for his ability to eat
dragonballs and give you experience! Yes, that's right, he channels the energy
of a dragonball back into you as experience. You can gain as much as 50 levels
instantaneously with this! However, his recent addiction to alcohol leaves him
useless until revived by drunk celestial wine!

One Good Turn Deserves Another Prerequisites:None NPCs:
Unknown Man (Market 212,204) Rewards:
A lot of experience Special: If you
don't have any spare dragonballs, then this quest may be largely useless to you.
Make sure you have some before talking to the Unknown Man.
i. Find the Unknown Man in the Market. He will beg you to
give him 100 silvers, after that, he will ask you to buy a flagon of Drunk
Celestial wine. ii. Buy the drunk celestial
wine from the shopboy in Twin City. iii. Take
it back to the Unknown Man. iv. Give the
Unknown Man a dragonball and he will give you a lot of
experience! Note: One Dragonball is required when the
character is below level 100. Two Dragonballs are required when the character is
level 100 or above.