Average: (level 40-60) Reclaim Royal Treasures
Mission | Rat Fangs | The
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How ironic that the only way to cure the rat bites is to
collect more poison rat venom and brew an antidote from it! Old man Tang loves
rats, and keeps them as pets, so he's constantly getting poisoned by their
bites. What we can do is get him the antidote every time!

Rat Fangs Requirement: Around level 40 NPCs: Old Man Tang (Maple Forest 779,467) Rewards: A Purple Bag or a Brass Heavy Ring of Refined,
Unique or Elite Quality. Note: It's really hard
to tell the difference among all the types of rats. The poisonous rats look like
Fire Spirits. They have the same size and color.
i. Pay a visit to Old Man Tang in the southeast
village of Maple Forest. He was bitten by his poisonous rats again and he is in
urgent need of a Rat Fang to brew an antidote to clear away the
poison. ii. Slay poisonous Rats to get the Rat
Fangs. They can be found somewhere in the southeast of Maple Forest. iii. Take the Rat Fang to Old Man Tang and he will give
you either a Purple Bag or a Brass Heavy Ring as reward.