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Guide - Basic Interface for iPad

Basic | Chat | Status | Friend | PK | Guild
Action | Trade | Team | Options

You can find the following icons and buttons useful within Conquer Online

Basic Interface

1. Server Name & Coordinates: Shows the exact location of your character in this map.

2. Map: You can view your surroundings in the map. Blue Star: Your character. Purple Star: Your teammate. Golden Start: Your captain. Green Diamond: Your friend. Red Heart: Your spouse. Skull: Your enemy.

3. Show Button: Turn on/off buttons/icons on Main Screen

4. Options: System settings, including music volume, effect and etc.

5. PK setting: Shows the PK mode you are using

6. Jump switch: Switch jump/run mode in game

7. Events: shows current events.

8. Path Finding: Shows available path finding options in this map

9. System Message

10. HP: Stands for your current health point. When HP is 0, your character will die. So recharge it in time when it is low.

11. Stamina: Shows your current stamina. Some skills cost stamina and can't be cast when it is low.

12. MP: Stands for your current mana point. Some magic skills can't be cast when MP is low.

13. 1-10: Shortcuts. You can drag the items or skills there, and press corresponding shortcut keys to use the items or skills.

14. Current skill: Shows the skill you are using right now.

15. Tips: Tips for your game experience

16. Function Button:
Status: Displays your Battle Power, attributes, equipment, skills, weapon proficiency and Sub-Classes.
Items: Open your inventory.
Party: Guild/Clan information.
Quest: Quest List
Trade: Trade items with the player you click on.
Team: Create/Join a team.
Msg: Message Board
Friend: Friend lists

17. Function Buttons:

Chat: Presses to start to talk and interact with other players.
Store: where you can buy something special from the store
View: You can check equipments of others by using this function
Action: Various actions available here.
Reward: Apprentices' contribution

18. Counter: Killing counter

19. Experience Bar: Current experience point. When it reaches to 100%, the character level will be upgraded to the next one and experience point will be back to 0%.

20. XP Circle: When the circle is filled with gold color, XP buttons will appear on the right corner. You can click the XP buttons to select and use the corresponding XP skills.