Account Security

Scan to Download

99 Account Center

Four Key Functions for Full Protection

Gifts for QR Code Login


Starting Oct. 31st, upon using the ND Account Security APP to scan and log in to the game for the first time, you will receive a security gift pack in the game.

Each account is eligible for one character to claim the reward. Please confirm before claiming.

In-Game Measures

Security Tips




Customer Service

Welcome to reach out to us using the following methods. We are available 24/7 to serve you and address your inquiries effectively.

Customer Service Center:

1. Avoid unfamiliar internet cafes and illegal venues.

Reduce the risk of malicious individuals in unfamiliar or illegal internet cafes planting trojans. Opt for larger, well-regulated internet cafes whenever possible.

2. Beware of others observing you while entering account credentials.

When gaming at an internet cafe, ensure that no one is constantly watching you while you enter your account credentials. Using overly simple account and password combinations can make it easy for people to deduce them just from observing your finger movements.

3. Employ the "Confusion Technique" for input to disrupt trojans and prying eyes.

Input your account and password using a mixed method, rather than the typical process of entering the account first and then the password. Most trojans currently record keyboard input sequences and cannot precisely monitor mouse movements. Thus, inputting account and password in a mixed way will force trojan creators to attempt combinations even if they capture the characters you've entered, increasing the decryption difficulty.

* For example: If the account is TQND10000 and the password is TQND123456, start by moving the mouse to the account field and entering "ND". Then move the mouse to the front and input "TQ", repeating this process for the input fields until the account is complete. Proceed similarly to input the password.

1.Regularly Update Windows for Vulnerabilities and Patches

Open Internet Explorer, click [Tools], select "WINDOWS UPDATE", and then you will be taken to the WINDOWS website where you can see how to update your system and apply necessary patches.

2.How to Prevent Image Trojan Viruses

Some trojans can spread alongside images, so be sure to install patches specifically designed to protect against image trojans.

3.Before Gaming, Always Scan for Trojans

Download a trojan scanning tool and scan your computer. Update the tool regularly for security. It is recommended to use MCAFEE VIRUSSCAN ENTERPRISE antivirus software, with players having the option to install V8.0I or higher versions for effective prevention against viruses, trojans, and other harmful programs. Please download and install legitimate software to enjoy free upgrade services provided by antivirus software vendors.

4.Develop the Habit of Changing Passwords Regularly

Use a notebook to record password changes and make it a habit to modify your passwords frequently. Avoid using simple numerical combinations; it's best to use a mix of numbers and letters.

Scam 1: Exploiting Third-Party Platforms for Scams

Analysis: Third-party trading platforms are a haven for account thieves to launder stolen items. After stealing items, they list them on these platforms at low prices. If you are tempted by these cheap prices, you're likely to be scammed. When a stolen player reports equipment loss to the official support, it could potentially lead to the loss of the items you purchased. In the end, you get nothing!

Advice: We hope players avoid chasing minor advantages and purchase items through official and legitimate channels.

Scam 2: Emotional Scams

Analysis: Hi, can I borrow your equipment for today's PK match?
Oops, my weapon broke, can you lend me yours for some wild combat?
Hey, your mount armor looks amazing, can I try it on and see how it looks?
Many excuses – have you really seen through their true intentions? Please don't trust others too easily. As the saying goes, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Advice: Do not blindly trust friends in the game, as disputes arising from voluntary player-to-player trades are not handled by the official support. Be cautious in your trades to avoid losses.

Scam 3: Being Cheated During Trades

Analysis: A certain item is supposed to be sold for 100 CPs, but the scammer only pays 100 Silver! This is a common method used by scammers. They take advantage of your distraction during multiple trades to deceive you into losing your items, often occurring in booth.

Advice: During the trading process, be sure to check the currency and amount clearly to avoid financial losses.

Scam 4: Account Scams

Analysis: Scammers take advantage of players' desire for small gains and deliberately give out account information. They then file complaints with the official support, requesting permanent bans for players suspected of hacking. They use this as leverage to demand a substantial reward from the player to stop their complaints.

Advice: Do not be tempted by small gains, and do not hold unrealistic hopes. If you encounter a scammer, do not compromise. Keep evidence of the account's source and provide it to the official support, who will handle the situation accordingly.

Scam 5: Impersonation Scams

Analysis: Scammers use names similar to your friends to request item trades. Many names differ only by a space or a punctuation mark, making it easy to overlook and resulting in potential financial losses.

Advice: In any trade, always triple-check the other party's information, including character level, battle power, guild, and clan. Scammers often use newly created characters for scams, so verifying this information will ensure the safety of your belongings.

1.Regularly maintain and scan your computer with antivirus software to prevent malware. Always scan for trojans before entering the game to expose any hidden threats.

2.Do not accept random video invitations or files from others. Avoid clicking on links posted by others, as they may lead to phishing websites. Be cautious of Trojan viruses.

3.Choose larger and well-regulated internet cafes when playing games. Be vigilant when entering your account information, as overly simple passwords can be guessed easily.

4.Regularly check your account for unfamiliar alternate characters, trade partnerships, or authorizations. Take action if you detect any.

5.If you notice any unusual activity on your account, change your password promptly, but avoid modifying it directly on the same device. Your device may have already been compromised, risking the loss of your security information.

Step 1: Regularly Check for Unfamiliar Alternate Characters

Since in-game bound items cannot be traded, account thieves may create alternate characters under your account. They may use these characters to enter trade partnership with other accounts and transfer items after a probation period.

Step 2: Regularly Check for Authorizations

Avoid unknowingly authorizing your account to strangers, which could lead to account theft.

Step 3: Regularly Check for Trade Partnerships

Avoid unknowingly entering trade partnerships with strangers, which could lead to account theft.