Average: (level 40-60) Reclaim Royal Treasures
Mission | Rat Fangs
| The Windbell
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Shirley eagerly awaited the return of her brother after he went to
the war with the snakemen in Ape Mountain. But after the war was over, he didn't
return. Eventually, Shirley got news of his death and his will. The only thing
he left was a small set of windbell, which he kept on himself all the time. The
windbell is of special sentimental significance to Shirley, who will pay all to
get it back.

The Windbell Requirement: Above level
50+ Limit: 10 times a day NPCs: Shirley (Maple Forest 783,456), Soldier Leader
(Love Canyon 448,396). Rewards: A Lvl47
Refined Tassel Earring Note: Don't drop, sell,
or give away Shirley's jade, otherwise you won't be able to finish the quest!
i. Talk to Shirley, who lives in the southeast
village of the Maple Forest. She will give you a Jade. ii. Take this Jade to the Soldier Leader in Love Canyon.
You will learn that Shirley's brother sacrificed his life during his first
battle and left only a string of windbell to her in his will. iii. Take the windbell and Jade back to Shirley. Although
she is very sad, she decides to live happily as her brother wished. She will
give you a Refined Tassel Earring as a token of gratitude.