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Quest - Moon Box for iPad

Hard: (level 60-80)
Moon Spring | Moon Box

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The Moon box is necessary for you to be promoted at level 110. Perhaps the job center crew enjoys collecting eccentric items, or maybe they are performing moon rituals...? Who knows?

Moon Box
Requirement: Level 70+
NPCs: Fortuneteller (Wind Plain 340,720), Maggie (in quest map 19,19), Guardian God (in quest map 204,149), Ghost (in quest map 8,67), Lonely Ghost (in quest map, random location)
Rewards: 3 Meteors OR a Moon Box
Note: A Moon Box is required for level 110 promotion. However, the job center NPCs won't give you any clue where to find one. This is the quest (the only quest) in which you can get one.

i. Find the Fortuneteller. If you are level 70+ and want to take the challenge, he will teleport you to the entrance of "Eight-Diagram Tactics"- the name of the quest map.
ii. Talk to Maggie at the entrance to hear her stories. She'll teleport you into one of the eight tactical areas randomly. However, you won't be sent to life tactics. There are Peace, Chaos, Deserted, Prosperous, Disturbed, Calmed, Death and Life Tactics.
iii. After you enter a tactic, you won't know which one it is. You must kill the monsters in the tactics to get a token. With it, you talk to the Guardian God, and he will tell you the name of the tactic you have entered, and the name of the token.
iv. Write down the name and ask Ghost to teleport you out of here. After you talk to Maggie again, she will teleport you to another tactic randomly.
v. In this way, you gather the token of Peace, Chaos, Deserted, Prosperous, Disturbed and Calmed (the six tokens).
vi. If you happen to be teleported to Death tactic, you will be told by the Guardian God and the Ghost. If you do not have the six tokens, you cannot leave here until you die (you will lose items if you die, and if you log off, you will re-spawn at the same spot).
vii. After you've collected all the six tokens, Maggie may teleport you to the Death Tactic. Talk to the Ghost. He can make a Soul Jade out of your tokens and teleport you to the Life Tactic.
viii. Find the Lonely Ghost in this tactic. If you agree to help him get reborn, he will give you three Meteors or a Moon Box. It is up to you. If you refuse to help him, he'll take away your Soul Jade, teleport you out and give you nothing. Be very careful!