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Level 50 The Easy Way

Author:plokmijn Date: Sep 14 2009 01:18:31 Views:

I found this is a good way to get your character to level 50, plus get some good unique/refined items.

First off, I would like to say, you will not make much money from this, or get much weapon proficiency, but using this method, you can reach level 50+ in any class, in less than an hour.

For starters, make a new character; it will work best with a new character.

When you get out of the first part you should right away start the beginner tutorial quests (I think they are called recruit quests).

These consist of nothing more than talking to NPC's, so just let auto path finding do all the work for you. There is an instance where you need to kill 10 pheasants but this is nothing. Once you do all these quests you should be about level 16. Get your first job advancement, then immediately start the item quests from your job trainer. The first one is simple, talk to 2 people, and you are done, you will get some cash and exp. Talk to your job trainer and claim the reward. Use the EXP ball and you should be about level 29 now.

Keep doing these quests, but skip the azure pill, this one takes too long. If you do them in order, by the time you finish the Artisan's feather quest; you should be level 50+.

This should not take more than an hour.

After this, you can simply go to the training grounds over night to get your proficiency up (train on the level 20 stake for fastest proficiency gain), then kill macaques (ape city) for their drops to make money.

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