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Crossed Blades I

Author:Fletch Date: Sep 10 2009 05:57:44 Views:

"Do you remember?" Lynn began to speak.

"Remember what?" I asked with a puzzled look.

"How it used to be Fletch..." Lynn said as she stared off into the distance. "How the world was before the war..."

"Honestly Lynn, I can't," I said as I stood up and began to kick the blades of glass lying beneath my feet. The War of the Nobles started a near thirty years ago, It was started when the Great House of Khanx began sending poorly trained ninja's to raid the great house of Starl. The ninja were caught and Starls retaliation included the capture and murder of a member of the Khanx family. After this, Allies were assembled, vast amounts of troops and defenses were constructed and a torch of hate erupted that would never die.

"I wish I could" I started again "but I cant, this war has left a scar that can not heal"

"It was so peaceful" Lynn replied as tears began rolling down her face "Now every night i worry, i worry that my best friend will never come home from battle" she put her hand on my wrist and brought it to her face.

"Don't ever worry about me like that" I whispered. "I don't need any distractions tonight"

"Fletch!" I heard my commanding officer yell "Night fall is among us, we shall be departing soon"

"OK." I replied as I got up and started walking to the campsite.

Fletch was a young Taoist, he volunteered for a regiment that was neutral for the war and planned to stop it anyway possible. A lot of assassination missions and such. Fletch's mission tonight was to ambush a squad of heavily armed supply troops who were traveling through the trenches of Love Canyon.

"Time to move out!" I yelled to my men. As I went over the ambush and explained to my men i noticed a lot of them were shaking, staring off I could tell they were scared.

"Remember soldiers" I announced "You are without out a doubt an amazing group of young men, and I am more then honored to be fighting along side you.."

As I went into my tent and started to change my clothes, I stopped and stared at my scar on my chest. I slowly felt it with the tips of my fingers. It was cold and jagged, a piece of me that should never exist. But as I thought, Its your scars who define you, not your medals or your goals. My scars are the reason why I'm here doing this and as I remembered getting the scar from a blade to the chestIi began to find myself crying.

"Are you okay?" Lynn said as she walked into my tent.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I sniveled; I just wish I knew all the answers so we wouldn't be dealing with this shit." I began yelling "I'm sick of this, I hate it, and I've lost many good friends and tears over a war that has ended a long time ago."

"It's all happening for a reason, Fletch" Lynn said trying to cheer me up "You're the one that told me to look past the hate and remember what you're fighting for."

"Yes, you're right, I just lose myself sometimes." I said drying my tears

"It's fine; just stay strong, for the both of us, alright?" Lynn said

"I will" I said "Well I got to go, see you later"

Lynn never said anything back that night just sat there staring at the ground. I do love her but I don't think I could handle telling her, for if i die it would kill us both.

"Let's head out men" I said as we began creeping through the shadows of the night...

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