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The Nightingale

Author:nobody2 Date: Sep 10 2009 05:44:17 Views:

Do you remember the times when we were in kindergarten?

I do and I hope that you would too.

Those days were so fun when the sun was one the sky.

This isn't a lie.

I would do anything to live those days once more.

The thought that I won't see you shakes me from the core.

Do you remember the night when we saw the nightingale?

The night just before the summer sale.

The nightingale flew circles around us and plus the moon was high on the sky.

You said that it was so beautiful.

I asked which one.

You said both and I thought so too.

Now it has passed 10 years from that day and I haven't seen you once, I pray.

That some day I would.

I don't even remember what you looked like.

When I try I only see the night.

I only see the nightingale and the gate of the kindergarten.

I remember every other kid, but not you.

Every night I go to sleep I think: what's wrong with me?

Then one day I saw the nightingale.

The memories came to me and I made a scale.

Which one of those memories hurt the most?

It had to be the day when we ate toast and you.

Left the city and I too.

Thought that I would see you some day.

But that day never came.

I was told that this is a waiting game.

That I must wait and see.

That is it out faith.

I know that it doesn't rime that much, but poems do not always have to rime. This one goes to Alisa. The girl that I loved.

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